Bioprospecting and Innovation in the Atlantic Forest: REBIFLORA's performance on the coast of Paraná and Santa Catarina

Luiz Everson Silva
Ana Rafaela Freitas Dotto
Ricardo Andrade Rebelo

    Luiz Everson Silva

    Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Coastal Sector. Rua Jaguariaíva, 512, Caiobá, CEP: 83260-000, Matinhos, PR, Brazil.

    He holds a degree in Chemistry (Bachelor) from the Regional University of Blumenau (FURB), a Masters in Chemistry from the same University (2003), was part of his PhD thesis with a DAAD scholarship at the Technische Universität Darmstadt in Germany (2005-2006) in the synthesis of N-heterocycles of interest in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease and completed his PhD thesis in Chemistry at the Federal University of Santa Catarina. He has experience in the field of Chemistry as a teacher in secondary and higher education. He is an Associate Professor at the Federal University of Paraná-Setor Litoral in the Licentiate of Science courses. He works in the Chemistry area from the perspective of sustainability, focusing on the following topics: bioprospecting, waste management, scientific education, science teaching, ethnopharmacobotany. He is the management coordinator of PIBID-UFPR. He also works in the investigation of anthropic impacts on the ecosystems of the Coast of Paraná. He is a professor on the permanent staff of the Graduate Program in Sustainable Territorial Development at UFPR.

    Ana Rafaela Freitas Dotto

    Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Coastal Sector. Rua Jaguariaíva, 512, Caiobá, CEP: 83260-000, Matinhos, PR, Brazil.

    He holds a degree in Environmental and Sanitary Engineering from the Federal University of Pampa (2018), where he worked as a fellow in the area of solid waste. She worked as a monitor for the Topography discipline, for the Risk Map Elaboration Project at the Federal University of Pampa on the Caçapava do Sul campus, and also for the Horta Project on the campus. She is currently a Master's student in Sustainable Territorial Development at the Federal University of Paraná.

    Ricardo Andrade Rebelo

    Blumenau Regional University Foundation, Department of Chemistry. Research Laboratory T-313, Rua Antônio da Veiga, 140, Victor Konder, CEP 89012-900, Blumenau, SC, Brazil.

    Graduated in Pharmacy and Biochemistry-Habilitation Clinical Analysis from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (1982), Master's in Chemistry from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (1987) under the guidance of prof. Dr. Cesar Zucco and PhD in Chemistry from the University of East Anglia (1992) under the supervision of prof. Dr. Alexander Mckillop. In 2014 he completed a post-doctoral internship in the group of prof. Dr. Nicolas Baldovini from the Institute of Chemistry at the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France. He is a professor at the Chemistry Department of the Regional University of Blumenau-FURB where he teaches different subjects in undergraduate courses and in the Graduate Program in Chemistry-PPGQ. He was coordinator of the PPGQ-FURB in the trienniums 2001-2003, 2004-2006 and 2010-2012 and currently coordinates the Central Laboratory of Instrumental Analysis Multiusers and Service-CLAIMS. He also held the head of the Department of Chemistry (2014-2016 triennium), returning to this position in 2021. He is a member of the National Institute of Science and Technology of Catalysis in Molecular and Nanostructured Systems-INCT-CMN. His research activity is related to the following topics: synthesis and hemi-synthesis of bioactive and coordination compounds, with a special interest in antimicrobial agents; enhancement of regional biodiversity through the study of aromatic plants from the Atlantic Forest (chemical characterization and biological properties: inhibitor of enzymes of therapeutic interest, anti-inflammatory, modulator of antibiotics, antimicrobial, repellent and insecticide); and treatment of lignocellulosic biomass in the biorefinery concept. ORCID:


Biological activities
Product development


In the processes of regulating the relationships between society, sociocultural systems, nature, and the environment, natural resource management emerges as an essential element. In this vein, the loss of biological diversity then becomes a critical problem for human existence, due to the fact that the extinction of species is irreversible representing the loss of a genome that is unique. Studies for the knowledge of native species with therapeutic potential gain great relevance. In this approach are the researches with extracts and essential oils of native species. Knowing the chemical composition and possible biological activities related to the extracts and volatile constituents coming from native natural resources, expands the possibility of creating protocols for the sustainable use of biodiversity. In this article we will address the constitution of REBIFLORA - Network of Bioprospecting and Innovation in the Atlantic Forest, its activities in the states of Paraná and Santa Catarina aiming to contribute to the understanding about the chemical composition and biological activities related to native species and the potential to add value to biodiversity products.


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  • Luiz Everson Silva
    Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Coastal Sector. Rua Jaguariaíva, 512, Caiobá, CEP: 83260-000, Matinhos, PR, Brazil.
  • Ana Rafaela Freitas Dotto
    Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Coastal Sector. Rua Jaguariaíva, 512, Caiobá, CEP: 83260-000, Matinhos, PR, Brazil.
  • Ricardo Andrade Rebelo
    Blumenau Regional University Foundation, Department of Chemistry. Research Laboratory T-313, Rua Antônio da Veiga, 140, Victor Konder, CEP 89012-900, Blumenau, SC, Brazil.


  • Article viewed 202 time(s)

How to Cite

Bioprospecting and Innovation in the Atlantic Forest: REBIFLORA’s performance on the coast of Paraná and Santa Catarina. Rev Fitos [Internet]. 2022 Mar. 4 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];16(Supl. 2):227-3. Available from:

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