Ethnobotanic Aspects of Popular Medicine of the City of Buritis, Rondônia

M. R. A. Santos
M. R. Lima


Medicinal Plants


The popular knowledge on medicinal plants, even so rich of information, frequently is not properly profited and lacks of compilation and interpretation, therefore is disperse and disordered. The rescue of this information allows to the adequate study and the insertion of the species of pharmacologic interest in the agro-industrial systems. The aim of this work was to rescue of the traditional knowledge concerning the use of medicinal plants in the city of Buritis, RO, Brazil, as well as the taxonomic identification and the systematization of this knowledge. Structured interviews and taxonomic studies had been carried through to access ethnobotanic data. The most representative families and the botanical name of each plant were identified. Therapeutic purpose, part of the plant used and methods of preparation were evaluated. Sixty-four species of thirty families were identified, the Lamiaceae and Asteraceae families being the most representative. The most used part and method of preparation were the leaf and decoction. The majority of the informers grew the plants consumed, indicating that those species are preserved. This study will supply subsidy new studies, which will be necessary to confirm the therapeutical properties of the majority of the studied species.


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  • M. R. A. Santos
    Embrapa Rondônia Rodovia Br 364, km 5,5 Caixa Postal 406, Zona Rural, 78900-970 Porto Velho, RO, Brasil
  • M. R. Lima
    Faculdade São Lucas Rua Alexandre Guimarães, 1927, Areal, 78916-450 Porto Velho, RO, Brasil


  • Article viewed 1196 time(s)

How to Cite

Ethnobotanic Aspects of Popular Medicine of the City of Buritis, Rondônia. Rev Fitos [Internet]. 2006 Sep. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 16];2(02):36-41. Available from:
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