Home use of medicinal plants by users of the Basic Health Units of the municipality of Toledo, Paraná

Queren Hapuque Oliveira Alencar
Dagna Karen Oliveira
Mauricio Bedim dos Santos
Camila Lopes Manetti
Fernanda Morinigo Guevara
Gabriela Rodrigues Moreira Florência
Aline Daniel da Silva
Gabrielle Buzin
Luana Pacheco de Souza
Isaque Donizett Silva de Souza
Sonia Mara Andrade
Jéssica Cristina Ruths
Kádima Nayara Teixeira

    Queren Hapuque Oliveira Alencar

    Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Toledo campus, Academic Medical Center. Highway PR 182, s/n Km 320/321, CEP 85919-899, Toledo, PR, Brazil.

    Medical Student at the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR).

    Dagna Karen Oliveira

    Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Toledo campus, Coordination of the Toledo Medicine Course - CMEDT, Rodovia PR 182, S/N, Km 320/321, CEP 85919-899, Toledo, PR, Brazil.

    Graduated in Nursing (2010) by Faculdades Pequeno Príncipe (FPP) and Specialized in Nosocomial Infection Control (2015) by AVM Faculdades Integradas. Currently studying Medicine at the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) - Campus Toledo (beginning in 2017), where he participated in extension projects entitled Health Promotion in Early Childhood Education (PROSEI): encouraging healthy eating and good hygiene practices (2019) ; Medicinal Plants: Do I know what I am using? (2019); Participates in the Academic League of Pediatrics (Chairman of the Board), the Scientific Initiation Research Project with the title of Study of the anti-inflammatory potential and healing of the aqueous extract of Leonurus sibirius L. in animal model and the Initiation Research Project Scientific paper entitled Reflections of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of students.

    Mauricio Bedim dos Santos

    Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Toledo campus, Academic Medical Center. Highway PR 182, s/n Km 320/321, CEP 85919-899, Toledo, PR, Brazil.

    Graduated in Statistics from the State University of Maringá (2005) and Master's in Biometrics from Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (2010). He is currently a statistician at Statconsult Consultoria and a professor at the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR). He has experience in the field of Probability and Statistics, with an emphasis on Biostatistics, working mainly on the following topics: bioequivalence, design of experiments and data analysis in the health area.

    Camila Lopes Manetti

    Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Toledo campus, Academic Medical Center. Highway PR 182, s/n Km 320/321, CEP 85919-899, Toledo, PR, Brazil.

    High school at Colégio e Curso Drummond (2012). He is currently from the Federal University of Paraná. He has experience in the field of Medicine.

    Fernanda Morinigo Guevara

    Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Toledo campus, Academic Medical Center. Highway PR 182, s/n Km 320/321, CEP 85919-899, Toledo, PR, Brazil.

    High school at Escola Franciscana Imaculada Conceição (2015). Has experience in Medicine.

    Gabriela Rodrigues Moreira Florência

    Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Toledo campus, Academic Medical Center. Highway PR 182, s/n Km 320/321, CEP 85919-899, Toledo, PR, Brazil.

    Aline Daniel da Silva

    Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Toledo campus, Academic Medical Center. Highway PR 182, s/n Km 320/321, CEP 85919-899, Toledo, PR, Brazil.

    Medical Student at the Federal University of Paraná, Campus Toledo, currently in the 5th period. She participated in extension projects named Health Promotion in Early Childhood Education (PROSEI): encouraging healthy eating and good hygiene practices (2017-2018); Medicinal Plants: do I know what I'm using? (2017-2018). She was monitor of Histology (2018), by the Teaching Initiation Program. She currently participates in the Academic League of Cardiology (LAC) and in the Scientific Initiation Project entitled "Study of the anti-inflammatory and healing potential of the aqueous extract of Leonurus sibirius L. in an animal model."

    Gabrielle Buzin

    Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Toledo campus, Academic Medical Center. Highway PR 182, s/n Km 320/321, CEP 85919-899, Toledo, PR, Brazil.

    High school at Colégio Estadual Jose de Alencar (2014). He is currently from the Federal University of Paraná.

    Luana Pacheco de Souza

    Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Toledo campus, Academic Medical Center. Highway PR 182, s/n Km 320/321, CEP 85919-899, Toledo, PR, Brazil.

    High school at Alta Floresta Presbyterian School (2014). He is currently from the Federal University of Paraná. He has experience in the field of Medicine.

    Isaque Donizett Silva de Souza

    Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Toledo campus, Academic Medical Center. Highway PR 182, s/n Km 320/321, CEP 85919-899, Toledo, PR, Brazil.

    Sonia Mara Andrade

    Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Toledo campus, Academic Medical Center. Highway PR 182, s/n Km 320/321, CEP 85919-899, Toledo, PR, Brazil.

    Master in collective health (FOP-UNICAMP, 2016). Lato sensu postgraduate degree in: Nursing in Neonatal and Pediatric ICU (CENSUPEG, 2015) and Neuropsychology (UNINTER, 2011). Graduated in Nursing (CESCAGE, 2009). She is currently a professor of medicine at UFPR-Campus Toledo. She was a professor of the Nursing course at UEPG (2012-2016), Coordinator of the outpatient clinic for newborns at risk and pediatric specialties in the city of Ponta Grossa/PR (2016), Nursing manager and technical manager of Hospital da Criança Mayor João Vargas de Oliveira (2014-2016) where he participated as a member of the hospital infection control committee and the implementation of the patient safety nucleus. She was an Assistant Nurse at the Dr Amadeu Puppi Hospital (2011-2014), where she worked in the following sectors: Emergency, Adult ICU and CCIH (2011-2014). She was Health Sergeant of the Brazilian Army in Ponta Grossa / PR (2009-2011). Lines of research in: Child health, epidemiology and collective health.

    Jéssica Cristina Ruths

    Federal University of Paraná, Toledo campus. Health Sciences Sector, Public Health. Rua Padre Camargo, No. 280/3rd floor, Alto da Glória, CEP 80060-240, Curitiba, PR, Brazil.

    Nurse, holds a degree and a bachelor's degree from the State University of West Paraná (Unioeste), Specialization in Family Health, in the Multiprofessional Residence modality, by the Municipal Health Department of Curitiba and Pequeno Príncipe Colleges and Specialization in Information and Knowledge Management, by State University of the Midwest of Paraná (Unicentro). Master in Biosciences and Health and Doctoral Student in Regional Development and Agribusiness at Unioeste. She works as a professor of Public Health at the Federal University of Paraná.

    Kádima Nayara Teixeira

    Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Toledo campus, Coordination of the Toledo Medicine Course - CMEDT, Rodovia PR 182, S/N, Km 320/321, CEP 85919-899, Toledo, PR, Brazil. /Federal University of Paraná, Pallottine Sector. Multicenter Post-Graduation in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (PMBqBM), Rua Pioneiro, 2153, Dallas, CEP 85950-000, Palotina, PR, Brazil.

    Graduated in Biological Sciences (2003) from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Master (2005) and Doctorate (2010) in Biochemistry and Immunology from the same institution, where he developed projects in the areas of enzymology and recombinant vaccines (molecular cloning and immunological assays). Post-doctorate with emphasis on applied immunology and bacteriology (Faculty of Medicine - UFMG). He has experience in the field of macromolecule biochemistry, working mainly in the areas of purification and characterization of native and recombinant proteins, molecular biology, bioinformatics, immunological, biochemical and pharmacological analysis of herbal components. She is currently an adjunct professor at UFPR-Campus Toledo and a professor at the Multicentric Postgraduate Program in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (PMBqBM) at the Palotina-UFPR Sector.


Epidemiological profile
Basic Health Units
Therapeutic purposes


The empirical use of medicinal plants is worldwide widespread practice, whose purpose is based on the relief/cure of some diseases. The objective of this study was to characterize the epidemiological profile of the home use of these plants by users of seven Basic Health Units with a Family Health Strategy team in the city of Toledo/Paraná. A questionnaire was applied to 324 people and data analysis showed that 89.50% of the interviewees used medicinal plants, of which 91.38% were female, 42% aged between 21 and 40 years, 30% without completing elementary school and 45.48% with per capita income between 01 and 03 minimum wages. The leaves were the most used parts of the plants (45.10%), the predominant preparation mode was the tea in infusion (30.86%) and 83.64% were aware of the use of plants passed on by family members. A total of 1,082 citations of 120 plant species were recorded and 50% are not registered in the Brazilian Common Name of the Health Surveillance Agency; among them are species whose knowledge of commonsense is so widespread that it refers to the unbelief of lack of scientific studies for the aforementioned purpose, conferring the false idea of absence of health risk.


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  • Queren Hapuque Oliveira Alencar
    Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Toledo campus, Academic Medical Center. Highway PR 182, s/n Km 320/321, CEP 85919-899, Toledo, PR, Brazil.
  • Dagna Karen Oliveira
    Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Toledo campus, Coordination of the Toledo Medicine Course - CMEDT, Rodovia PR 182, S/N, Km 320/321, CEP 85919-899, Toledo, PR, Brazil.
  • Mauricio Bedim dos Santos
    Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Toledo campus, Academic Medical Center. Highway PR 182, s/n Km 320/321, CEP 85919-899, Toledo, PR, Brazil.
  • Camila Lopes Manetti
    Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Toledo campus, Academic Medical Center. Highway PR 182, s/n Km 320/321, CEP 85919-899, Toledo, PR, Brazil.
  • Fernanda Morinigo Guevara
    Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Toledo campus, Academic Medical Center. Highway PR 182, s/n Km 320/321, CEP 85919-899, Toledo, PR, Brazil.
  • Gabriela Rodrigues Moreira Florência
    Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Toledo campus, Academic Medical Center. Highway PR 182, s/n Km 320/321, CEP 85919-899, Toledo, PR, Brazil.
  • Aline Daniel da Silva
    Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Toledo campus, Academic Medical Center. Highway PR 182, s/n Km 320/321, CEP 85919-899, Toledo, PR, Brazil.
  • Gabrielle Buzin
    Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Toledo campus, Academic Medical Center. Highway PR 182, s/n Km 320/321, CEP 85919-899, Toledo, PR, Brazil.
  • Luana Pacheco de Souza
    Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Toledo campus, Academic Medical Center. Highway PR 182, s/n Km 320/321, CEP 85919-899, Toledo, PR, Brazil.
  • Isaque Donizett Silva de Souza
    Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Toledo campus, Academic Medical Center. Highway PR 182, s/n Km 320/321, CEP 85919-899, Toledo, PR, Brazil.
  • Sonia Mara Andrade
    Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Toledo campus, Academic Medical Center. Highway PR 182, s/n Km 320/321, CEP 85919-899, Toledo, PR, Brazil.
  • Jéssica Cristina Ruths
    Federal University of Paraná, Toledo campus. Health Sciences Sector, Public Health. Rua Padre Camargo, No. 280/3rd floor, Alto da Glória, CEP 80060-240, Curitiba, PR, Brazil.
  • Kádima Nayara Teixeira
    Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Toledo campus, Coordination of the Toledo Medicine Course - CMEDT, Rodovia PR 182, S/N, Km 320/321, CEP 85919-899, Toledo, PR, Brazil. /Federal University of Paraná, Pallottine Sector. Multicenter Post-Graduation in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (PMBqBM), Rua Pioneiro, 2153, Dallas, CEP 85950-000, Palotina, PR, Brazil.


  • Article viewed 452 time(s)

How to Cite

Home use of medicinal plants by users of the Basic Health Units of the municipality of Toledo, Paraná. Rev Fitos [Internet]. 2021 Dec. 17 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];15(4):494-507. Available from: https://revistafitos.far.fiocruz.br/index.php/revista-fitos/article/view/1120

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