Prevalence of the use of herbal therapies in women with climate symptoms

Ana Lúcia Hoefel
Kahena Barros Sartori

    Ana Lúcia Hoefel

    Serra Gaúcha University Center (FSG). Integrated Health Center, Rua Os Dezoito do Forte, 2366, Centro, CEP 95020-472, Caxias do Sul, RS, Brazil.


    Nutritionist, acting with emphasis on Functional Gastronomy, Sports Nutrition and Nutrition in climacteric and menopause. She has been teaching the Nutrition Course and the Gastronomy Course at FSG Centro Universitário since 2013. Graduated in Nutrition from the Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos. She served as a CNPq fellow in the Postgraduate Program in Public Health at the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos (2006 to 2007). Postgraduate in Clinical Nutrition Universidade Anhembi-Morumbi-GANEP (2018); Graduate in Education (PUC-RS): Modern Education: Methodologies, Trends and Student Focus (2020); Postgraduate in Public Health from Faculdade Descomplica (2021). Postgraduate in Phytotherapy from ABFit (in progress) Functional Chef from Escola NaturalChef 2021 and Escola Frantonello (SP) - 2022 Master in Biochemistry from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Where he developed the study 'Effects of a high-fat diet with saturated or monounsaturated fat on biochemical parameters of Wistar rats', under the guidance of Prof Dr. Clovis Milton D. Vannmacher and prof. Dr. Marcos Luiz dos Santos Perry. Doctor in Physiology. CNPq scholarship holder in the Postgraduate Program in Physiology at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), under the guidance of Professor Dr. Luiz Carlos Kucharski, developing research in the area of ​​obesity, hypercaloric diets, metabolism, DHEA and yerba mate. CAPES/DFAIT Scholarship 2014 at Lakehead University, Ontario, Canada, under the guidance of Professor Dr. Neelam Khaper (Adjunct Professor, Northern Ontario School of Medicine Cardiovascular Physiology and Pathophysiology), whose line of research was cardioprotection involving DHEA. He worked as a nutritionist for the production of the Nossa Senhora da Conceição Hospital Refectory, Conceição Hospital Group in Porto Alegre. Currently, he has also dedicated himself to the study and dissemination of sustainable agriculture, unconventional food plants (PANC) and sustainability, coordinating the extension project entitled: Potential for the use of Unconventional Food Plants as promoters of scientific knowledge and food sovereignty, at FSG University center.

    Kahena Barros Sartori

    Serra Gaúcha University Center (FSG). Nutrition Course. Rua Os Dezoito do Forte, 2366, Centro, CEP 95020-472, Caxias do Sul, RS, Brazil.



Herbal medicines
Climacteric symptoms


Menopause, the end of a woman's reproductive period, is diagnosed after 12 months of amenorrhea. It represents the ovarian hormonal decline, which starts much earlier, a period called the climacteric. Which can be accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, and many women look for alternatives to alleviate them. The use of medicinal plants is as old as humanity, and has been proposed as an alternative to reduce climacteric symptoms. This cross-sectional epidemiological study aimed to assess the prevalence of symptoms and use of herbal medicines in climacteric women who use a social network. A standardized questionnaire was used and data collection was online. Diagnosis of climacteric was by self-reference. 139 women participated in the study, in relation to the use of herbal medicines, we observed that 57.6% (n = 80) use herbal medicines, as for the type of herbal medicines used, nine were listed by the women, the most used eing blackberry white (morus alba) (22.98%). That symptoms were present in 100% of the sample and the use of herbal medicines was frequent among climacteric women, with morus alba being the most cited, although clinical trials with the herbal medicine have not been documented.


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  • Ana Lúcia Hoefel
    Serra Gaúcha University Center (FSG). Integrated Health Center, Rua Os Dezoito do Forte, 2366, Centro, CEP 95020-472, Caxias do Sul, RS, Brazil.
  • Kahena Barros Sartori
    Serra Gaúcha University Center (FSG). Nutrition Course. Rua Os Dezoito do Forte, 2366, Centro, CEP 95020-472, Caxias do Sul, RS, Brazil.


  • Article viewed 572 time(s)

How to Cite

Prevalence of the use of herbal therapies in women with climate symptoms. Rev Fitos [Internet]. 2023 Mar. 31 [cited 2025 Feb. 16];17(1):64-75. Available from:
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