State University of Campinas, Institute of Geosciences (IG) of UNICAMP, Department of Scientific and Technological Policy of IGE/UNICAMP. Rua Carlos Gomes, 250, Cidade Universitária, CEP 13083-855, Campinas, SP, Brazil.
He holds a degree in Agricultural Engineering from the National University of Colombia - Bogotá. He has experience in research and development activities in the post-harvest area of agricultural products and in the development of agricultural research projects. She holds a master's degree in Science and Technology Policy from the State University of Campinas, with an emphasis on sustainability, dynamics of technical progress and adaptation to climate change of agricultural production systems.
Maria Beatriz Machado Bonacelli
State University of Campinas, Institute of Geosciences (IG) of UNICAMP, Department of Scientific and Technological Policy of IGE/UNICAMP. Rua Carlos Gomes, 250, Cidade Universitária, CEP 13083-855, Campinas, SP, Brazil.
Associate Professor (MS5.3, Associate Professor III) at the Department of Scientific and Technological Policy (DPCT/IG/Unicamp). Graduated in Economic Sciences (IE/Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 1985), with a specialization in Economics of the Agro-Food System (CeFAS, Viterbo, Italy, 1988), a Masters in Scientific and Technological Policy (DPCT/IG/Unicamp, 1992) and a PhD in Economic Sciences (Université des Sciences Sociales de Toulouse, France, 1996). Former advisor II of the Dean of Graduate Studies at Unicamp (Jan. 2019-Mar. 2021). Former General Coordinator of the Graduate Program at the Institute of Geosciences (IG) (2013-2015). Former Coordinator of the PPG-PCT (2016-2018; 2011-2013). Former Head of Department (DPCT, 2009-2011). Associate Researcher at the Study Group on Research and Innovation Organization (GEOPI/DPCT), at INCT-PPED (UERJ/UFRJ/Unicamp) and at the Network - Legal Nucleus of the Innovation and Competitiveness Observatory, the Institute for Advanced Studies and the Faculty of Law/USP. President (Apr. 2018-) and Member (since 2011) of the Management Contract Evaluation Committee between CNPEM and MCTIC. Participated in the elaboration of the ST&I Master Plan for the State of São Paulo 2014-2015. Winner, in 2016, of the 58th. Jabuti Award, 2nd place in the Economy and Administration Category as co-editor of the work "Intellectual Property and Innovations in Agriculture". Main lines and themes of research: Economics of Technology and Innovation; Planning and Management of ST&I; Innovation Systems and Ecosystems; University-Society relationship.
Local Productive Arrangements (LPAs) emphasize the geographic proximity to take advantage of local particularities linked to traditional, scientific and technological knowledge. They have been used as one of the policy instruments in the herbal medicine segment in Brazil, which serves both biological-cultural diversity and sustainable development. The aim of this article is to present a diagnosis of LPAs of medicinal and herbal plants in the six biomes of the country, from secondary sources of information and data. 22 LPAs with available information were identified, distributed as follows: 40.9% in the Atlantic Forest, 18.2% in both the Cerrado and the Amazon, 13.6% in the Caatinga and 4.5% in both the Pantanal and the Pampa. They develop actions that aim to contribute to the strengthening of pharmaceutical assistance and local productive complex. However, they are actions, in general, with reduced scope and low participation of key actors, such as communities and traditional peoples, companies and financial institutions. It’s concluded that the APLs must be accompanied by other instruments of public policy and public-private actions that allow the strengthening of productive and innovative chains (like Live Pharmacies) and the sustainable use of Brazilian socio-biodiversity, as well as for the integration of different knowledge.
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Nataly Zuñiga Cubides
State University of Campinas, Institute of Geosciences (IG) of UNICAMP, Department of Scientific and Technological Policy of IGE/UNICAMP. Rua Carlos Gomes, 250, Cidade Universitária, CEP 13083-855, Campinas, SP, Brazil.
Maria Beatriz Machado Bonacelli
State University of Campinas, Institute of Geosciences (IG) of UNICAMP, Department of Scientific and Technological Policy of IGE/UNICAMP. Rua Carlos Gomes, 250, Cidade Universitária, CEP 13083-855, Campinas, SP, Brazil.