Michelle Lombardi e Silva
Mayara de Azeredo Rezende

    Michelle Lombardi e Silva

    FIOCRUZ, Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology - Farmanguinhos, Center for Innovation in Biodiversity and Health (CIBS). Avenida Comandante Guaranys, 447, Jacarepaguá, CEP 22775-903, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.


    Graduated in Agronomy from Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (2001), specialization in Innovation in Biodiversity Medicines from Farmanguinhos/Fiocruz, with a focus on aromatherapy, improvement in Medicinal Plants from UFV/MG (in progress), training in Ayurveda Therapist by Satya Escola de Ayurveda (2022), technical courses in aesthetics and massage therapy by SENAC/SP (2014 and 2017) and buildings by IFSP Capital (1996). Currently operating in its own space in the city of Araçatuba/SP since 2014, providing services in the area of Ayurvedic phytotherapy and aromatherapy, teaching courses in the areas of aromatherapy and medicinal plants. He is a founding member of the Brazilian College of Science of Ayurveda, which aims to produce and disseminate the practice as a science. 15 years of experience as an Agricultural Engineer in projects in the environmental area. Volunteer teacher/educator in elective subjects together with teachers from the state network. She develops projects on medicinal plants with public schools in the Araçatuba / SP region, in addition to working with private classes in the area of science and mathematics for elementary school students I and II.

    Mayara de Azeredo Rezende

    FIOCRUZ, Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology - Farmanguinhos, Center for Innovation in Biodiversity and Health (CIBS). Avenida Comandante Guaranys, 447, Jacarepaguá, CEP 22775-903, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.


    Pharmacist, specialist in Innovation Management in Phytomedicines and Regulatory Affairs, Master in Oncology with an emphasis on Molecular Biology and PhD candidate in Public Health at the National School of Public Health (ENSP/FIOCRUZ). She has experience in the hospital and clinical pharmacy segments (acting as an on-call and temporary employee at the National Institute of Cardiology), oncology (in the scope of diagnosis by flow cytometry and immunophenotyping and assistance), herbal medicines, regulatory affairs and Intellectual Property. She is currently General Advisor to the Coordination of the Center for Innovation in Biodiversity Medicines (CIBS/Farmanguinhos / Fiocruz), Consultant in the area of Innovation in Biodiversity Medicines, professor in the area of regulatory affairs of the specialization course in Biodiversity Medicines at Farmanguinhos/Fiocruz , preceptor of the internal medication dispensing areas and the Intensive Care Unit of the National Institute of Cardiology. She develops her doctoral thesis in the onco-regulatory segment, analyzing the insertion of real-world data and evidence (Real World Data and Real World Evidence) in the incorporation of new drugs in the oncology segment.


Essential oils
Integrative practices


Aromatherapy is considered an integrative practice that uses the therapeutic properties of essential oils, which in turn are defined as volatile products from plant diversity. However, despite being a complementary therapy, it is still little applied in Brazil. In this sense, the objective of this research is to present the paths and challenges of aromatherapy in the Brazilian scenario. To do it, this work used a narrative review, in which scientific articles and specific norms on the subject were searched. This study revealed that aromatherapy is not a regulated practice, despite being part of the SUS as an integrative and complementary practice. In addition, essential oils for therapeutic purposes used in this practice do not have specific regulations, resulting in a use without guaranteeing the effectiveness, safety, and quality necessary for the purpose for which they are intended. To change this scenario, it is necessary to strengthen this practice through its dissemination and popularization, a role still played by few officially constituted institutions and associations. In this way, this research contributes to the dissemination of knowledge and the strengthening of this area, based on the findings and its important contribution to the health area.


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  • Michelle Lombardi e Silva
    FIOCRUZ, Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology - Farmanguinhos, Center for Innovation in Biodiversity and Health (CIBS). Avenida Comandante Guaranys, 447, Jacarepaguá, CEP 22775-903, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.
  • Mayara de Azeredo Rezende
    FIOCRUZ, Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology - Farmanguinhos, Center for Innovation in Biodiversity and Health (CIBS). Avenida Comandante Guaranys, 447, Jacarepaguá, CEP 22775-903, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.


  • Article viewed 295 time(s)

How to Cite

PATHWAYS AND CHALLENGES OF AROMATHERAPY IN THE BRAZILIAN SCENARIO. Rev Fitos [Internet]. 2024 Mar. 18 [cited 2025 Feb. 16];18(Suppl. 3):e1493. Available from:
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