Graduated in nutrition from Faculdade União das Américas - UNIAMERICA - 2010. Nutritionist at Foz do Iguaçu City Hall - SMSA - Family Health Support Center in the North region. Specialization in Clinical Nutrition (2014). Specialization in Food, Nutrition and Health in Schools (2016). Specialization in Phytotherapy in Clinical Nutrition (2016). Specialization in Food and Nutrition in Primary Care (2016). Specialization in Preceptorship at SUS (2017). Preceptor of the Multiprofessional Residency Program in Family Health (UNILA).
Nathalia da Graça Oliveira Próspero
University of Taubaté (UNITAU), Estrada Municipal Dr. José Luiz Cembranelli, 5000, Bairro do Itaim, CEP 12081-010, Taubaté, SP, Brazil.
Graduated in Biological Sciences from the University of Taubaté (1995), specialization in Ecology from the University of Taubaté (1999), master's degree in Biological Sciences (Plant Biology) from the Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (2002), PhD in Plant Biodiversity and the Environment Environment by the Institute of Botany (2010) and technical-professional course by the Technical College of Tremembé (1990). He is currently a journal reviewer at Hoehnea (São Paulo), Adjunct Professor I at the Federal University of Espírito Santo, journal reviewer at Magistra, journal reviewer at Rama: Revista em Agronegócio e Meio Ambiente, journal reviewer at Revista Biociências (Taubaté) , Reviewer of the journal Natureza On Line (Espírito Santo), Reviewer of the journal of the Revista de Biologia Neotropical, Reviewer of the journal of Ciência Rural (UFSM. Impresso) and Member of the editorial board of Health and Bioscience. He has experience in the field of Botany, with an emphasis on Plant Morphology. Working mainly on the following topics: Bromeliaceae, germination, leaf anatomy, production, acclimatization.
Julino Assunção Rodrigues Soares Neto
Federal University of ABC (UFABC). Postgraduate Program in Public Policies, Av. dos Estados, 5001, Bangu, CEP 09210-580, Santo André, SP, Brazil.
He has a degree in Biological Sciences from Centro Universitário São Camilo, a master's degree from the Postgraduate Program in Public Health and a doctorate from the Psychobiology program at the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP). Specialized in Clinical Research and Management and Execution of Innovation Projects in Companies from the University of São Paulo (USP). Market Intelligence Consultant in the Brazilian Pharma & Health project of ABIQUIFI - Brazilian Association of the Pharmaceutical Input Industry in partnership with Apex-Brasil (Brazilian Export and Investment Promotion Agency). Postdoctoral fellow at the Faculty of Public Health at USP and Associate Researcher at the Center for Studies and Research in Health Law at USP. He was a Collaborating Doctor Researcher (PDC) for the Postgraduate Program in Public Policies at the Federal University of ABC. He participated as a representative (substitute) of the Ministry of Education in the National Committee of Medicinal Plants and Phytotherapeutics of the Ministry of Health. Author and organizer of the 100th anniversary book of the São Paulo Pharmaceutical Union (UNIFAR). Reviewer of articles in scientific journals, Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Cadernos Ibero-Americanos de Direito Sanitária, among others. He has experience in the area of Public Health, working on the following topics: pharmaceutical innovation, pharmacovigilance of herbal medicines and psychotropic drugs, ethnopharmacology, social participation in health, Patient Representative Organizations, rare diseases.
Márcia Luana Gomes Perfeito
Grupo Centroflora Inova, R. James Clerk Maxwel, 170, Módulo 2, Techno Park, CEP 13069-380, Campinas, SP, Brazil.
Biomedical, graduated from the Federal University of Piauí (UFPI), master in Biotechnology (UFPI) and PhD in Biotechnology from RENORBIO, with experience in the area of biochemical prospecting of molecules for pharmacological use and use of spectroscopic techniques, such as Mass Spectrometry, HPLC and GC-MS. Furthermore, she has expertise in the use of pharmacological models for the development of technological natural products. Specialist in MBA in Auditing in Health Services from the institution Integrated Postgraduate, Extension and Research Center (UNIPOS). She works in the Research and Development area at Centroflora Group, developing research projects in the area of natural products with application to the pharmaceutical/cosmetics industry based on good production and manufacturing practice procedures.
Cristina Dislich Ropke
Grupo Centroflora Inova, R. James Clerk Maxwel, 170, Módulo 2, Techno Park, CEP 13069-380, Campinas, SP, Brazil.
Director of Innovation at the Centroflora Group and CEO of Phytobios Pesquisa Desenvolvimento e Inovação Ltda, a Biodiversity-Based Technological Innovation company. Bachelor's, Master's and Doctorate in Pharmacy-Biochemistry. Fluent German and English. Experience in writing projects for government funding and requests for authorization of access to genetic heritage for the purposes of research, bioprospecting and technological development. Inventor of 5 patent applications. Expertise in intellectual property and partnerships with universities and ICTs. Winner of 6 awards from the Brazilian Cosmetology Association and 1 award for Best work from the SOT dermatology section published in Cutaneous and Ocular Toxicology. During her postdoctoral studies, she worked on evaluating natural products to prevent skin cancer. During this period she had 2 Scientific Initiation Orientations and 1 PhD co-supervision and created the subject FBF5780-1-Pharmaceutical strategies for preventing skin damage induced by solar radiation: natural antioxidants for the Postgraduate program at FCF-USP . Tutor of the IEL Inova Talentos Program.Courses at the MIT Sloan School of Management."Developing and Managing a Successful Technology and Product Strategy" and "Fundamentals of Finance for the Technical Executive". Director of Biodiversity at ABIFINA.
Rosa Maria Gaudioso Celano
University of Taubaté (UNITAU), Estrada Municipal Dr. José Luiz Cembranelli, 5000, Bairro do Itaim, CEP 12081-010, Taubaté, SP, Brazil.
Graduated in Medicine from the University of Taubaté. Medical Residency in General Surgery at Hospital Santa Isabel de Clínicas – Current Hospital Regional do Vale do Paraíba. Specialization in Clinical Nutrition from Ganep-SP and USP-Ribeirão Preto. Specialist in Nutrology by the Brazilian Association of Nutrology -ABRAN. Certificate of Expertise in Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition by the Brazilian Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition -SBNPE. Master in Medicine from the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo. Coordinator of EMTN at Hospital 10 de Julho in Pindamonhangaba and Hospital Municipal Universitário de Taubaté. Professor at the Department of Medicine at the University of Taubaté. Instructor and Coordinator of Advanced Life Trauma Support-ATLS. He has experience in the areas of Hospital Nutritional Therapy, Hospital Quality/Management and Urgency and Emergency.
Marcos Roberto Furlan
University of Taubaté (UNITAU), Estrada Municipal Dr. José Luiz Cembranelli, 5000, Bairro do Itaim, CEP 12081-010, Taubaté, SP, Brazil.
He holds a degree in Agronomy from Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (1981), a master's degree in Agronomy (Horticulture) from Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (1987) and a PhD in Agronomy (Horticulture) from Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (2000 ). He is currently a full professor at the University of Taubaté, and a member of the master's degree in Environmental Sciences at UNITAU and the master's and doctorate in Health Sciences. He was a professor. of the Agronomy course at Faculdade Integral Cantareira. Ad hoc consultant for Scientific Journals, Professor and coordinator of specialization courses in the areas of phytotherapy and medicinal plants. He has experience in the area of Agronomy, with an emphasis on Medicinal Plants, working mainly on the following topics: agronomic aspects of medicinal, spicy and aromatic plants, ethnobotany and phytochemistry.
The interest in phytotherapy as a therapeutic option occupies more and more space in the health area. For implementation of projects related to the theme in the cities, knowledge about its application by health professionals is fundamental. With the objective of analyzing the utilization and intention on the use of plant drugs or phytotherapics as a prescription in the clinical practice of professionals in the Basic Health Units and Family Health Units in Foz do Iguaçu-PR, the present research was done. After analysis, the interviews results showed that 99% of the professionals believe that phytoteraphics and plant drugs have therapeutic action, and 49% prescribe them in their clinical practice. On those who do not prescribe, 79% have an interest in prescribing, and everyone who uses them has already achieved results. Among the main reasons for non-prescription, it was highlighted the lack of technical knowledge. Most health professionals use phytotherapy or have an interest in prescribing it. The users have a good acceptance regarding the use of medicinal plants, and the professional training is a necessity for prescription and better orientation to the patients about the proper use of herbal medicine, guaranteeing more effectiveness and safety in this practice.
Bruning MCR, Mosegui GBG, Vianna CMM. A utilização da fitoterapia e de plantas medicinais em unidades básicas de saúde nos municípios de Cascavel e Foz do Iguaçu - Paraná: a visão dos profissionais de saúde. Ciênc Saúde Colet. 2012; 17(10): 2675–2685. Disponível em: [].
Figueredo CA, Gurgel IGD, Gurgel Junior GD. A Política Nacional de Plantas Medicinais e Fitoterápicos: construção, perspectivas e desafios. Physis. 2014; 24(2): 381-400. [acesso em: 20 de jan. 2016]. Disponível em: [].
Almeida JRGS, Meira PRM, Nobre IBC, Tupiná JR. Uso de plantas medicinais em uma unidade de saúde da família no município de Juazeiro-BA. Interf Cient Saúde Amb. 2012; 1(1): 09. Disponível em: [].
Fontenele RP, Sousa DMP, Carvalho ALM, Oliveira FA. Fitoterapia na Atenção Básica: olhares dos gestores e profissionais da Estratégia Saúde da Família de Teresina (PI), Brasil. Ciênc Saúde Colet. 2013; 18: 2385-94. [acesso em: 11 de fev. 2016]. Disponível em: [].
Varela DSS, Azevedo DM. Opinião de médicos e enfermeiros sobre o uso da fitoterapia e plantas medicinais na atenção básica. Rev APS. 2016; 17(2): 204-213. [acesso em: 08 jul. 2016]. Disponível em [].
Lopes MA, Obici S, Albiero ALM. Conhecimento e intenção de uso da fitoterapia em uma Unidade Básica de Saúde. Interf Cient Saúde Amb. [S.l.]. 2012; 1(1): 53-59. [acesso em: 27 dez 2015]. Disponível em: [].
Cunha KA, Fialho CGO, Abranches MA. Perfil antropométrico dos usuários do serviço de atendimento nutricional da Clínica Escola da FAMINAS, Muriaé (MG). Rev Cient Faminas. 2010; 6(1):. [acesso em: 09 jul. 2016]. Disponível em: [].
Cantarelli AP. Estudo da utilização de plantas medicinais pelos usuários do SUS e das práticas dos profissionais de saúde de Doutor Maurício Cardoso em relação à fitoterapia. Três Passos, 69p. Rio Grande do Sul; 2012. Monografia [Especialização em Gestão em Saúde – EAD], Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, UFRGS. [acesso em: 08 jul. 2016]. Disponível em: [].
Lima DF, Pereira DL, Franciscon FF, Reis C, Lima VS, Calvacanti PP. Conhecimento e uso de plantas medicinais por usuários de duas unidades básicas de saúde. Rev Rene. 2014; 15(3): 383-90. [acesso em: 09 jul. 2016]. Disponível em: [].
Maravai SG, Costa CS, Lefchako FJ, Martinello OB, Becker IRT, Rossato AE. Plantas medicinais: percepção, utilização e indicações terapêuticas de usuários da estratégia saúde da família do município de Criciúma-SC vinculados ao PET- Saúde. Arq Catarin Medic. 2011; 40(4):. [acesso em: 09 jul. 2016]. Disponível em: [].
Sampaio LA, Oliveira DR, Kerntopf MR, Brito Junior FE, Menezes, IRA. Percepção dos enfermeiros da estratégia saúde da família sobre o uso da fitoterapia. Rev Minei Enferm. 2013; 17: 76-84. [acesso em: 11 de fev. 2016]. Disponível em: [].
Gonçalves NMT, GerenuttI M, Almeida CDS, Duarte MM, Vila C. A tradição popular como ferramenta para a implantação da fitoterapia no município de Volta Redonda – RJ. Rev Bras Farm. 2011; 92(4): 346-351. [acesso em: 10 jul. 2016]. Disponível em: [].
Araújo CRF, Silva AB, Tavares EC, Costa EP, Mariz SR. Perfil e prevalência de uso de plantas medicinais em uma unidade básica de saúde da família em Campina Grande, Paraíba, Brasil. Rev Ciênc Farmac Bás Aplic. 2014; 35: 233-238. [acesso em: 11 fev. 2016]. Disponível em: [].
Nathalia da Graça Oliveira Próspero
University of Taubaté (UNITAU), Estrada Municipal Dr. José Luiz Cembranelli, 5000, Bairro do Itaim, CEP 12081-010, Taubaté, SP, Brazil.
Elisa Mitsuko Aoyama
Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES), Health Sciences Center-CCS, Av. Marechal Campos, 1468, Maruípe, CEP 29047-105, Vitória, ES, Brazil.
Julino Assunção Rodrigues Soares Neto
Federal University of ABC (UFABC). Postgraduate Program in Public Policies, Av. dos Estados, 5001, Bangu, CEP 09210-580, Santo André, SP, Brazil.
Márcia Luana Gomes Perfeito
Grupo Centroflora Inova, R. James Clerk Maxwel, 170, Módulo 2, Techno Park, CEP 13069-380, Campinas, SP, Brazil.
Cristina Dislich Ropke
Grupo Centroflora Inova, R. James Clerk Maxwel, 170, Módulo 2, Techno Park, CEP 13069-380, Campinas, SP, Brazil.
Rosa Maria Gaudioso Celano
University of Taubaté (UNITAU), Estrada Municipal Dr. José Luiz Cembranelli, 5000, Bairro do Itaim, CEP 12081-010, Taubaté, SP, Brazil.
Marcos Roberto Furlan
University of Taubaté (UNITAU), Estrada Municipal Dr. José Luiz Cembranelli, 5000, Bairro do Itaim, CEP 12081-010, Taubaté, SP, Brazil.
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