Challenges to the Development of Phytomedicines in Brazil in the Context of the Pharmaceutical Industry



herbal medicine
pharmaceutical industry
technological development


Considering the low competitivity of the pharmaceutical industry in Brazil, the study analyzed the potential of the phytomedicines as a strategic niche for the national technological development in this area. Within this context, it was essential the understanding about the importance of innovation in phytomedicines in Brazil and the analyses of the therapeutical and market potential of these drugs. The research involved an extensive survey of information focused in the economical and industrial issues of the pharmaceutical industry, of the herbal medicines (composed exclusively of parts of plants or its derivatives) and of the phytodrugs (isolated from plants and used as an active principle or as template for drugs). Therefore, the study was developed considering the national and international literature and the existing legislation. In spite of some difficulties like the fulfillment of the quality and safety standards required by the legislation and the necessity of a higher interaction between the professionals of the sector and between the financing, research and production institutions, the study showed that the phytomedicines are a strategic niche for the local technological capacitation and for a smaller dependence in the elaboration of drugs policies, recommending actions for the development of this niche in the country.


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  • F. N. R. ALVES
    Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária - ANVISA SEPN - 515 - Bloco B - Ed. Ômega CEP: 70770-502 - Brasília - DF


  • Article viewed 1070 time(s)

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Challenges to the Development of Phytomedicines in Brazil in the Context of the Pharmaceutical Industry. Rev Fitos [Internet]. 2005 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Nov. 24];1(01):18-29. Available from:
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