Piper aduncum L.: Pluripotente Plant and Important Phytochemical Substance Source

A. M. Pohlit
A. C. S. Pinto
R. Mause


Piper aduncum
essential oil
biological activities


This review deals with the primary biological activities and previously isolated active principles from pimenta-longa (long pepper) or apertaruão, the Piper aduncum L. (Piperaceae). Among the most important biological activities found in extracts and for isolated substances are: antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant, cytotoxic/anticancer, larvicidal/insecticidal, antiplatelet/antiaggregation, molusidal, leishmanicidal end antiviral. This endemic plant is found naturally in Brazil and is a source of a relatively abundant essential oil obtained from the leaves and tender branches. This oil presents many of the above biological activities and medicinal properties. Here in we present our data on pilot-scale production of this oil as well as the purification of the principal component dillapiol using chromatography and fractional vacuum distillation from this oil. This work demonstrates the technical viability of cultivated P. aduncum as a renewable source of this bioactive substance. Among the proven biological activities of this compound are: antibacterial, insecticida and larvicidal, as well as inhibition of the enzymes cytochrome P450 and epoxidase.


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  • A. M. Pohlit
    Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Coordenação de Pesquisas em Produtos Naturais Laboratório de Princípios Ativos da Amazônia Avenida André Araújo, 2936, Petrópolis, CEP 69083-000 Manaus, Amazonas, Brasil
  • A. C. S. Pinto
    Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biotecnologia, Universidade Federal do Amazonas Av. Gen. Rodrigo Octávio Jordão Ramos, 3000, Campus Universitário, Coroado I, 69077-000, Manaus, AM
  • R. Mause
    SIEMA Eco Essências da Amazônia Ltda Conjunto Colina do Aleixo, 69083-600 Manaus, AM


  • Article viewed 4390 time(s)

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Piper aduncum L.: Pluripotente Plant and Important Phytochemical Substance Source. Rev Fitos [Internet]. 2006 Jun. 1 [cited 2024 Nov. 22];2(01):7-18. Available from: https://revistafitos.far.fiocruz.br/index.php/revista-fitos/article/view/37
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