Biologist/Botanist-Ecologist (CRBio5 n 19.886/5D), Member of the Botanical Society of Brazil (SBB). I have a Post-Doctorate in Forest Sciences/Botany-Ecology from the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco - UFRPE, a Doctorate in Forest Sciences/Botany-Ecology from UFRPE, Masters in Forest Sciences/Botany-Ecology from UFRPE, Specialist title in Botany and Ecology granted by the Regional Council of Biology/ 5th Region-CBBio5, Specialization in Biology Teaching by the University of Pernambuco - UPE/Garanhuns, Specialization in Phytotherapy Applied to Clinical Practice by the Redentor University Center - Uniredentor, Improvement in Landscaping by the Escola Paulista de Paisagismo-EPP and Graduated in Science with Qualification in Biology by the current Higher Education Center of Arcoverde - CESA. I am currently a Professor/Researcher/Advisor at the Arcoverde Higher Education Center (CESA) in the Degree Course in Biology (Morphological, Physiological and Systematic Botany) and at the School of Health - ESSA, in the Bachelor's Degree Courses in Psychology (Applied Statistics and Methodology of Research III) and Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacy (Applied Statistics, Biosafety, Pharmacobotany, Pharmacognosy, Phytotherapeutic Pharmacology). Coordinator and Researcher at the Laboratory of Botany and Vegetal Ecology-LABEV / FloraNordestina-FLONOR Vegetation House of CESA's Biology course; being also Technical Manager of FARMAFITO - Laboratory of Pharmacobotany, Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy at ESSA, Pharmacy course; Professor/Advisor of the Postgraduate Programs Stricto Sensu, Professional Master's Degree in Basic Education. Coordinator of PIBID/CAPES Biology. Author and reviewer of national and international scientific articles in renowned journals. I have experience in the areas of Forest Resources, General Botany and Plant Ecology, emphasizing Seed Technology, Production of native and exotic forest species, Floristics and Phytosociology, Natural regeneration, Macro and micronutrient cycling, Plant and manure decomposition, biomass, Production of litter in the Caatinga area, Afforestation, Landscaping, Phytotherapy, plant toxicology, Phytochemistry, Pharmacognosy, Ethnopharmacy/Ethnobotany and Bromatology.
Elias Flávio Quintino de Araújo
Maurício de Nassau University Center (Uninassau), Department of Pharmacy and Nutrition. Rua Ernesto Dourado, 402, Heliópolis, CEP 55296-280, Garanhuns, PE, Brazil.
Master's student in Animal Bioscience (UFAPE), Graduated in Pharmacy (Generalist Pharmacist), ASCES/UNITA. Graduated in Geography (UPE). Specialist in Public Health. Specialist in Clinical and Sports Nutrition. Specialist in Phytotherapy. Specialist in Prescription Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacy. Specialist in Geography Teaching. Precursor of the FQ Pharmaceutical Office, carrying out Follow-up and Monitoring of CNCDs, since Feb.2017. President of the NGO Vencendo Fronteiras - NGO VF, located in the Municipality of Jupi. Undergraduate and Graduate Teacher. Coordinator of the Pharmacy and Nutrition Courses (UninassauGaranhuns). Municipal Health Secretary Jupi PE. Speaker in the areas of human, social and health sciences. Researcher in the health field.
The objective of this work was to analyze the use of medicinal plants by residents of the city of Arcoverde/PE. A survey was carried out through an online form by Google forms, with semi-structured questions to 63 participants, of which 87% claimed to use medicinal plants. Nineteen plant species were mentioned, especially boldo/boldo-do-chile (Peumus boldus Molina), chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.) and mint (Mentha spp.). The most used part of the plant was the leaf, with the main form of use being infusion. Of the species mentioned, 14 appear in the phytotherapics form and 7 in the phytotherapics memento. The data obtained contribute to the preservation and maintenance of the population's health, helping health professionals to guide the rational use of medicinal plants, ensuring safety and quality in therapy, combining popular knowledge with scientific knowledge.
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Lana Delly Vieira Leite do Nascimento
Higher Education Autarchy of Arcoverde, Rua, Av. Gumercindo Cavalcante, 420 - São Cristóvão, CEP 56512-200, Arcoverde, PE, Brazil.
Mozart Duarte Barbosa
Higher Education Autarchy of Arcoverde, Rua, Av. Gumercindo Cavalcante, 420 - São Cristóvão, CEP 56512-200, Arcoverde, PE, Brazil.
Elias Flávio Quintino de Araújo
Maurício de Nassau University Center (Uninassau), Department of Pharmacy and Nutrition. Rua Ernesto Dourado, 402, Heliópolis, CEP 55296-280, Garanhuns, PE, Brazil.