Use of phytotherapy to reduce anxiety in the face of the pandemic by SARS-COV-2

Flávia Thays de Moura Silva
Débora Ferreira
Gabryelle de Barros Santana
Káren Mickaely Gonçalves Santos
Emmily Fabiana Galindo de França

    Flávia Thays de Moura Silva

    UniFavip University Center, Rua Gumercindo Pereira dos Santos, 222, Indianópolis, CEP 55016-410, Caruaru, PE, Brazil.

    High School (2015). She is currently a student of the Nursing course.

    Débora Ferreira

    UniFavip University Center, Rua Gumercindo Pereira dos Santos, 222, Indianópolis, CEP 55016-410, Caruaru, PE, Brazil


    Graduated in Nursing from the Vale do Ipojuca University Center. Post-Graduate Student in Palliative Care and Pain Therapy by the UNIFAVENI Educational Group.

    Gabryelle de Barros Santana

    UniFavip University Center, Rua Gumercindo Pereira dos Santos, 222, Indianópolis, CEP 55016-410, Caruaru, PE, Brazil


    Nursing student at the Vale do Ipojuca University Center. She has experience in the field of Nursing.

    Káren Mickaely Gonçalves Santos

    UniFavip University Center, Rua Gumercindo Pereira dos Santos, 222, Indianópolis, CEP 55016-410, Caruaru, PE, Brazil


    High School by Erem. Dr. Alexandrino da Rocha (2016). She has experience in the field of Nursing.

    Emmily Fabiana Galindo de França

    UniFavip University Center, Rua Gumercindo Pereira dos Santos, 222, Indianópolis, CEP 55016-410, Caruaru, PE, Brazil


    She holds a Bachelor's degree in Nursing from the University Center of Vale do Ipojuca - UNIFAVIP/DEVRY. He is currently doing a Masters in Collective Health at UFPE and training in Holistic Therapies. He was a Resident of the Multiprofessional Program in Public Health at SESAU-Recife. Family Health Specialist. He is interested in themes related to the area of Collective Health, Primary Health Care, Mental Health, Health Surveillance: Epidemiological and Worker.


Medicinal plants
Psychological distress


Due to the Covid-19 pandemic in recent years, a large number of people have been noticed with high levels of anxiety and mental disorders, as they are confined to their homes due to the danger of infection and lethality from the virus. In this sense, Phytotherapy can be an ally in the treatment and reduction of stress, due to its easy application and variety of medicinal plants with a calming effect in the Brazilian territory. The study aimed to observe from the review of medicinal plants, its application, as well as the benefits. For the performance of this study, an integrative literature review was prepared, with 10 articles selected according to the application of Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) in Nursing. Through the study, it was possible to identify the main Medicinal Plants with a calming effect, easily found in the country, due to the vast territorial extension and rich diversity of Brazilian flora. With their anxiolytic properties, these plants are effective in controlling the signs and symptoms of anxiety, in addition to the cost-effectiveness that is accessible to the population and easy to handle, aiming to improve the satisfactory quality of life of those who adhere to the practice.


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  • Flávia Thays de Moura Silva
    UniFavip University Center, Rua Gumercindo Pereira dos Santos, 222, Indianópolis, CEP 55016-410, Caruaru, PE, Brazil.
  • Débora Ferreira
    UniFavip University Center, Rua Gumercindo Pereira dos Santos, 222, Indianópolis, CEP 55016-410, Caruaru, PE, Brazil
  • Gabryelle de Barros Santana
    UniFavip University Center, Rua Gumercindo Pereira dos Santos, 222, Indianópolis, CEP 55016-410, Caruaru, PE, Brazil
  • Káren Mickaely Gonçalves Santos
    UniFavip University Center, Rua Gumercindo Pereira dos Santos, 222, Indianópolis, CEP 55016-410, Caruaru, PE, Brazil
  • Emmily Fabiana Galindo de França
    UniFavip University Center, Rua Gumercindo Pereira dos Santos, 222, Indianópolis, CEP 55016-410, Caruaru, PE, Brazil



  • Article viewed 1337 time(s)

How to Cite

Use of phytotherapy to reduce anxiety in the face of the pandemic by SARS-COV-2. Rev Fitos [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 20 [cited 2024 Nov. 21];16(4):541-50. Available from:
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