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Exploitation of brazilian biodiversity as a source of active plant pharmaceutical ingredients (APPIs): challenges for the national pharmaceutical industry
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Faculty of Pharmacy. Avenida Ipiranga, 2752/504 and 606, Santa Cecília, CEP 90160-000, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil.
Graduated in Pharmacy from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2009). Master in Pharmaceutical Sciences by the Graduate Program in Pharmaceutical Sciences UFRGS (2012). PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the Graduate Program in Pharmaceutical Sciences UFRGS (2016) with a Sandwich Doctorate period at Universitè Paris Sud in Châtenay-Malabry, France. She held a postdoctoral internship as a PNPD fellow (CAPES) at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2017-2018). She is currently a post-doctoral student, inserted in the Junior post-doctoral program at CNPq, working in the Postgraduate Program in Pharmaceutical Sciences at UFRGS. She has experience in the field of pharmacy, sub-area of ​​pharmacognosy, with emphasis on the isolation of bioactive compounds. Additionally, experience in the field of pharmaceutical technology with the development of formulations to deliver natural compounds of pharmaceutical importance and standardization of extracts for incorporation into pharmaceutical forms. She has teaching experience teaching the following subjects: Pharmacology, Hospital Pharmacy, Semi-Solid Pharmacotechnics and Homeopathy and Phytotherapy. e-mail: gabimeirelles@gmail.com; gabriela.meirelles@ufrgs.br
Bettina Monika Ruppelt
Fluminense Federal University (UFF), Faculty of Pharmacy. Rua Mario Viana, 254, Santa Rosa, CEP 85950-000, Niterói, RJ, Brazil.
Graduated in Pharmacy from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1988), graduated in Industrial Pharmacy from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1992), specialization in Pharmacology of Natural Products from the Federal University of Pernambuco (1988), specialization for the Training of Professors in the Distance Education Modality from the Federal University of Paraná (2000), Master's in Science (Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics) from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1991) and PhD in Chemistry of Natural Products from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro ( 1996). She worked as a professor at the Federal University of Paraná-Campus Palotina (1997-2018), in which she held the positions of Vice-Director of Campus Palotina, Vice-Director of the Veterinary Hospital of Campus Palotina, Coordinator of the Veterinary Medicine Course-Palotina. Did she participate in the Commission for the Implementation of the Support Program for the Restructuring and Expansion Plan of Federal Universities? REUNI, at Campus Palotina. She received the 2005 Model Employee: Public Sector award from the Rotary Club of Palotina, PR. She received a Vote of Praise for the Medicinal Plants Extension Project of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Paraná. She is currently Associate Professor IV at the Fluminense Federal University. She co-supervised 2 master's thesis. She supervised 10 monographs for the completion of a course of improvement / specialization, 3 works for the conclusion of an undergraduate course, 1 work for junior scientific initiation 53 students of extension and initiation to teaching. She has published 18 articles in journals, 4 books published, 1 book chapter published, 8 articles in newspapers and magazines and development of 12 teaching materials. She has experience in Pharmacology, with emphasis on Pharmacology of Natural Products, working mainly on the following topics: medicinal plants, ethnopharmacology, pharmacology of medicinal plants with antiophidic activity in rodent and zebrafish models. She coordinated the Medicinal Plants University Extension Program, awarded with the PROEXT 2011 and 2013 Public Notices. In the PROEXT 2013 Public Notice, the Medicinal Plants Program was placed first in the health area. She was a member of the Thematic Technical Committee on Blood Products and Blood Components of the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia in the period 2014-2020. She is currently a member of the Thematic Committee on Medicinal Plants of the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia and a member of the Thematic Committee on Natural Products of the Brazilian Academic Consortium for Integrative Health.
Although Brazil is a megabiodiverse country, its exploitation in favor of drug development is still low. The objective of this work is to present and analyze the main challenges of the national pharmaceutical industry regarding the conscious exploitation of native biodiversity as a source of active pharmaceutical plant ingredients (APPI). A narrative description was conducted with data collected in the main databases and in official documents until October 2021. The results showed that the 341 herbal medicines registered at ANVISA, comprise 88 plant species, only 20% are native and that there was a loss of scientific-biological knowledge about the native species due to successive economic cycles and that the Brazilian pharmaceutical industry, characterized by the production of medicines, import of APIs and low investments in RD&I, needs to change this profile. Based on the analyzed works, it is possible to conclude that Brazil must assume the production of APIs and overcome the lag in investments and innovation in this area, and that the country has the potential to receive investments for the production of IFAVs on condition of promoting policies that favor innovation, inserting green technologies, protecting the intellectual property of inventors and guaranteeing legal certainty for investors and/or researchers.
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Gabriela Meirelles
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Faculty of Pharmacy. Avenida Ipiranga, 2752/504 and 606, Santa Cecília, CEP 90160-000, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil.
Bettina Monika Ruppelt
Fluminense Federal University (UFF), Faculty of Pharmacy. Rua Mario Viana, 254, Santa Rosa, CEP 85950-000, Niterói, RJ, Brazil.
Article viewed 431
How to Cite
Exploitation of brazilian biodiversity as a source of active plant pharmaceutical ingredients (APPIs): challenges for the national pharmaceutical industry. Rev Fitos [Internet]. 2023 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Nov. 19];17(2):236-59. Available from: https://revistafitos.far.fiocruz.br/index.php/revista-fitos/article/view/1440