She holds a degree in Environmental Engineering from the Amazonas Institute of Science and Technology - IFAM, and can work in the area of organizing environmental education projects, preserving and conserving resources, identifying environmental interventions, analyzing their consequences, among others. She is currently studying Forestry Engineering at the Amazonas State University, at the Itacoatiara Center for Higher Education. In addition, she actively participates in several research projects, with a main focus on botany and plant anatomy.
I am currently studying Forestry Engineering at the Amazonas State University, Itacoatiara Higher Education Center, with a solid background in biological and environmental sciences. I actively participate in research projects, mainly in the area of botany with an emphasis on plant anatomy. I am constantly seeking opportunities to improve my knowledge and contribute to the development of sustainable solutions in the forestry area, aiming to reconcile economic demands with the conservation of ecosystems.
She has a degree in Biological Sciences from the Federal University of Amazonas (2000), a specialization in the production of innovative medicines from biodiversity (FIOCRUZ/Farmanguinhos), a master's degree in environmental sciences and sustainability in the Amazon from the Federal University of Amazonas (2003), and a doctorate in tropical agronomy from the Federal University of Amazonas (2016). She was coordinator of the lato sensu postgraduate course in environmental management (2008-2012). She was director of the Moysés Benarrós Israel School of Professional Education, a unit of the Center for Technological Education - CETAM in Itacoatiara (2012-2014). She is currently an associate professor at the State University of Amazonas - UEA, and was pedagogical coordinator of the undergraduate course in forestry engineering at the Center for Higher Studies of Itacoatiara - CESIT/UEA - UEA (2018-2021). She is the coordinator of the Itacoatiara Business Incubator at the Amazonas State University - UEA (she designed the project, structured it and monitors its operation). She has experience in the area of Botany, with an emphasis on Botany, working mainly on the following topics: plant morphology (plant anatomy), use of plant fibers, ethnobotany, general botany, and the environment. She was a counselor at RAMI (Amazon Innovation and Entrepreneurship Network) from 2020 to 2024. She has experience in raising funds, preparing and executing scientific events (she coordinated the first nine editions of the CESIT/UEA Forestry Engineering Week and has now organized Inova Itacoatiara since 2022). Technical Director of ANPROTEC (National Association of Entities Promoting Innovative Enterprises) - 2024-2025 Biennium.
Medicinal plants are elements that make up part of the biodiversity and have been widely used by various peoples and in various ways since the dawn of civilization. The Minquartia guianensis has a high relevance in the commercial sector, because its wood is widely used in the timber market in the Amazon region. However, besides this characteristic, some studies show the medicinal potential of this species. Therefore, this study aimed to search for information about the ethnomedicinal uses used, to describe the botanical aspects, as well as to approach the main methods of extraction and the classes of secondary metabolites with their respective medicinal properties. This integrative review was carried out using databases such as SCIELO, Google Scholar, PUBMED and LILACS. The articles were searched in Portuguese and English, and most were published in the last 20 years. The survey showed the relation of the occurrence of secondary metabolites present in the species, which have antifungal, antibiotic, and anti-inflammatory potential, as well as antimalarial and leishmanicidal activities.
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