The present study suggests that, with adequate R&D investment, native plant species may provide an alternative to replace synthetic drugs. 21 synthetic drugs, from 14 pharmacologically different classes, were evaluated. The conclusion was that native species did, in fact, have a good potential to replace, at least a part of their synthetic analogues at lower cost and using national technology. This potentiality can become a reality through public-private partnerships, given financial subsidies and the inclusion of phytomedicine in the National Medicine List - RENAME. This strategy may contribute, with the expansion of the phytopharmaceutical industry, by promoting the use of medicinal plants as a class of safe and efficient drugs, to better accessibility to all Brazilians citizens as well as by replacing the present importation of synthetic drugs by insertion of the phytomedicinal products into the international market.
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E. Michiles
Coordenadora do Programa Estadual de Plantas Medicinais – PROPLAM/SES/RJ;
Secretaria de Estado de Saúde do Rio de Janeiro, Rua México, 128, sala 416, 20031-142
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil;
Presidente do Instituto Brasileiro de Plantas Medicinais – IBPM;
Rua General Urquiza 128, Leblon, 22431-040
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.
A. S. Botsaris
Presidente do Instituto Brasileiro de Plantas Medicinais - IBPM;
Rua General Urquiza 128, Leblon, 22431-040
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.