Medicinal plants and herbal medicine at SUS in Itapeva/SP: integrating knowledge and learning for health care

Francine Campolim Moraes
Patrícia Galvão de Jesus
Fátima Chechetto
Vivian Ferrari Scaranello Machado

    Francine Campolim Moraes

    Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Itapeva, Av. Vaticano, 1249, Jardim Europa, CEP 18406-380, Itapeva, SP, Brasil.

    Graduation in Pharmacy from the State University of Ponta Grossa and Specialization in Management of Health Care Networks from the National School of Public Health. Currently, she works as a Pharmacist at the Municipality of Itapeva in the Coordination of the Municipal Program for Medicinal Plants and Phytotherapics and in the Coordination of the Municipal Tobacco Program. Professor of the Pharmacy Course at FAIT Itapeva in the disciplines of Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapics and Homeopathic Pharmacotechnics. Has experience in Pharmacy, with emphasis on Medicinal Plants and Phytotherapy, Integrative Practices, Public Health, Health Education and Primary Care.

    Patrícia Galvão de Jesus

    Municipal Health Secretariat of Itapeva, Av. Vaticano, 1249, Jardim Europa, CEP 18406-380, Itapeva, SP, Brazil.

    Graduated in Industrial Pharmacy from Universidade Sao Judas Tadeu (2005) and Specialization in Clinical Pharmacy from Universidade Israelita da Saúde (2006). She is currently a pharmacist at Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein.

    Fátima Chechetto

    Faculty of Social and Agrarian Sciences of Itapeva (FAIT), Cultural and Educational Society of Itapeva, Rodovia Francisco Alves Negrão, km 285, Bairro Pilão D'água, CEP 18412-000, Itapeva, SP, Brazil.

    Graduated in Agronomy from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (1986). Master in Public Health from the University of Southern Santa Catarina (May / 2003) and doctorate from the State University of São Paulo in Agronomy - Horticulture - Faculty of Agronomic Sciences - Campus Botucatu in co-tutelage with the University Institute of Investigación en Gestión Forestal Sostenible - Doctorate en Conservación y Sustainable Use of Forest Systems at the Universidad de Valladolid, having participated in the PhD Student Internship Program - PDEE - in the Gender Studies Chair - Escuela de Educación de Palencia and Instituto Universitario de Investigación em Gestión Forestal Sostenible - UVA - Spain. She was Coordinator of the Sectorial Chamber of Medicinal Plants - Rural Development Council - State Secretariat of Agriculture and Rural Development - Santa Catarina (2000-2004 and 2006-2008). Coordinator of the Catarinense Association of Medicinal Plants (1999-2001 and 2001-2004. Vice-coordinator of the Catarinense Association of Medicinal Plants (2004-2006 and 2006-2010). Works with teaching, research and extension at the Faculty of Agricultural and Social Sciences of Itapeva-SP in the Agronomy, Engineering, Forestry, Pharmacy and Nursing courses, since February 2014. She was a professor in the Pharmacy Course at the Centro Universitário Barriga Verde (2007-2008), where she worked as a professor and researcher at the University of Southern Santa Catarina (1989-2006), in the Chemical Engineering, Agronomy and Pharmacy Courses, worked with the Ministry of Health as a participant in the Phytotherapy Group for the Construction of the National Policy of Integrative and Complementary Practices in SUS (2003-2004), approved by the Ordinance 971 May / 2006. Has experience in the field of Agronomy with an emphasis on Sustainable Rural Development, working mainly on the following themes: medicinal plants, ethnobotany, cultivation, communities, sustainable rural development.

    Vivian Ferrari Scaranello Machado

    Faculty of Social and Agrarian Sciences of Itapeva (FAIT), Cultural and Educational Society of Itapeva, Rodovia Francisco Alves Negrão, km 285, Bairro Pilão D'água, CEP 18412-000, Itapeva, SP, Brazil.

    Graduated in Pharmacy from the State University of Ponta Grossa / PR (2003) and qualified in Clinical Analysis UEPG (2004). Postgraduate in: Clinical Pharmacology ASSPE / SP (2007); Public Health UNICSUL / SP (2009); Health Surveillance FIOCRUZ (2009); UNB Health Law (2009); Management in Health UNESP (2011) and Master in Pharmaceutical Sciences UNISO (2015) - line of research Rational Use of Medicines. Acts as Coordinator of the Pharmacy and Teacher Course at the Faculty of Social and Agrarian Sciences of Itapeva (FAIT), in the subjects "Introduction to Pharmaceutical Sciences", "Communication and Humanization", "Deontology, Health and Pharmaceutical Professional Legislation", "Pharmaceutical Care" , "Introduction to Pharmacology". She has experience as a tutor in the distance learning of Post Graduation at EAD / FIOCRUZ (2012/2013) and Professor in the Specialization Course - Post Graduation lato sensu in Multiprofessional Residency in Health, by UNISO (2016). He has experience in the field of public health, pharmaceutical assistance with an emphasis on lawsuits and health surveillance. He acts as a member of the Technical Health Commission of the Sorocaba Section of the Regional Pharmacy Council of the State of São Paulo.


Medicinal plants
Single Health System
Integrative practices


This article aims to describe and analyze the process of implementation of herbal medicine in SUS in Itapeva-SP from 2012 to 2020, and its contribution to the generation, integration of knowledge and health care. The objective listed above was achieved through Document Analysis based on the Social Practice Systematization method. The results suggest that the process made possible from the intersectoral integration of partners around two projects approved with resources from the Ministry of Health, at first, the generation and application of knowledge through ethnobotanical research; identification and cultivation of medicinal species; training for farmers; sensitization of managers, professionals and the population. Secondly, it made possible the expansion and improvement of family-based production systems, based on traditional knowledge, promoting access to medicinal products of plant origin in the technical and scientific standards of quality and safety to local users.


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  • Francine Campolim Moraes
    Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Itapeva, Av. Vaticano, 1249, Jardim Europa, CEP 18406-380, Itapeva, SP, Brasil.
  • Patrícia Galvão de Jesus
    Municipal Health Secretariat of Itapeva, Av. Vaticano, 1249, Jardim Europa, CEP 18406-380, Itapeva, SP, Brazil.
  • Fátima Chechetto
    Faculty of Social and Agrarian Sciences of Itapeva (FAIT), Cultural and Educational Society of Itapeva, Rodovia Francisco Alves Negrão, km 285, Bairro Pilão D'água, CEP 18412-000, Itapeva, SP, Brazil.
  • Vivian Ferrari Scaranello Machado
    Faculty of Social and Agrarian Sciences of Itapeva (FAIT), Cultural and Educational Society of Itapeva, Rodovia Francisco Alves Negrão, km 285, Bairro Pilão D'água, CEP 18412-000, Itapeva, SP, Brazil.


  • Article viewed 1056 time(s)

How to Cite

Medicinal plants and herbal medicine at SUS in Itapeva/SP: integrating knowledge and learning for health care. Rev Fitos [Internet]. 2020 Sep. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];14(3):333-40. Available from:
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