The Latinpharma project (http://www.latinpharma.net) is being developed since 2001, in Central American countries and Andean Community, MERCOSUR and Chile. The main objective is to promote the commercial Exchange of medicines among South - South countries. The Natural Products were taken into account in the project from 2003. The small and medium enterprises were educated for the improvement of their activities in the chain value by discussions and conferences during the main event. In 2006, the LATINPHARMA took place in Cartagena de Indias, Colômbia, on September 07-09. In the last half of August, the International Trade Centre (ITC UNCTAD/WTO) and the Electronic Communication and Information Exchange (ECIE), as the forum sponsors, provided a previous debate, by means of a Virtual Seminar entitled "The Brazilian Market of Medicines and Natural Products". The present article has been inserted as the Block IV in that seminar.