Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), Pharmaceuticals Technology Institute - Farmanguinhos, Center for Biodiversity and Health Innovation, Agroecological Phytomedicine Platform (CIBS / PAF), Av. Comandante Guaranys, 447, Jacarepaguá, CEP 22775-903, Rio de Janeiro , RJ, Brazil.
PhD in Ethnobotany from the National Museum / Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Curator of the Botanical Collection of Medicinal Plants of Farmanguinhos-FIOCRUZ. Botanist of the Agroecological Phytomedication Platform of the Center for Innovation in Biodiversity and Health (CIBS) / Farmanguinhos-FIOCRUZ. Works on projects and advising on research, development and innovation projects in the field of phytomedicines and medicinal plants through the National System of RedesFito throughout Brazil. Emphasis area: Ethnobotany, Medicinal Plants, Botany Applied to RD&I in medicines from biodiversity, Ethnopharmacology.
Glauco de Kruse Villas Bôas
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz), Pharmaceuticals Technology Institute - Farmanguinhos, Biodiversity and Health Innovation Center (CIBS), Av. Comandante Guaranys, 447, Jacarepaguá, CEP 22775-903, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.
Doctor of Science in Public Health, National School of Public Health - ENSP / FIOCRUZ. Master in Health Science and Technology Management, National School of Public Health - ENSP / Fiocruz. Graduated in Pharmacy from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, UFRJ. Senior Technologist at Fundação Osvaldo Cruz - Ministry of Health. Currently he is Coordinator of the Center for Innovation in Biodiversity and Health - CIBS of the Institute of Technology in Pharmaceuticals - Farmanguinhos / FIOCRUZ. Coordinator of the Lato sensu Postgraduate Course in "Innovation Management in Biodiversity Medicines" - EAD / ENSP - Farmanguinhos / Fiocruz. Coordinator and teacher of the Lato sensu Postgraduate Course in "Innovation in Phytomedicines". Coordinator of the National Network System - RedesFito of knowledge focused on innovation in medicines from biodiversity. Current Leader of the Research Group / CNPq & quot; Innovation in biodiversity drugs & quot; the lines of research: knowledge, learning and information on innovation in medicines from biodiversity; innovation in biodiversity drugs; research and development (R&D) of herbal medicines and phytopharmaceuticals in the ecosystem approach; health science, technology and innovation policies (CT&IS) from the perspective of sustainability; knowledge and innovation networks on biodiversity drugs. Current Editor of the innovation area of Revista Fitos. Current Coordinator of the COVID-19 / CIBS Working Group - Farmanguinhos / Fiocruz.
Marilza Machado
Public Ministry of the State of Bahia, Rua Sagrada Família, 154, Bela Vista, CEP 45990-903, Teixeira de Freitas, BA, Brazil.
He holds a Bachelor's Degree and Full Degree in Biological Sciences from the State University of Mato Grosso (2005), UNEMAT. Specialized in Family Farming and Rural Education (2008), also at the University. Acting mainly on the following themes: Sociocultural Diversity, Ethnobiology, Ethnobotany, Sustainable Rural Development, Agroecology. Solidary Socioeconomic. It also acts in the alternative control of pests and diseases in the production of vegetable plants. Worked in Basic Education in Science Teaching for Elementary School Students, Biology and Chemistry for High School Students and Pre-University Entrance Courses. He worked with the pequi productive chain and with the production of seedlings of native species from the Cerrado of economic interest in the Paresi Indigenous area. He did a master's degree at UNESP (Universidade Estadual Paulista), Julio de Mesquita Filho, Campus of Botucatu (FCA). Conducted research with sexual and asexual propagation methods on native and cultivated medicinal plants. Participated in the Ethnobotanical survey with articulation in 9 communities in the extreme south of Bahia in the project Popular health and agroecology with medicinal plants in the extreme south of Bahia. Currently works in the project entitled: Technical support in the recomposition of the vegetation cover in the extreme south of Bahia and in the north of Espírito Santo, in support of the Arboretum Program, with the production of seeds, seedlings and forest plantations of native species of Bahia's Hileia.
Marcus Felipe Oliveira da Silva
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz), Pharmaceutical Technology Institute - Farmanguinhos, Center for Innovation in Biodiversity and Health (CIBS), Av. Comandante Guaranys, 447, Jacarepaguá, CEP, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.
Odara Horta Boscolo
Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), Center for General Studies, Institute of Biology, Valonguinho campus, Centro, CEP 20940-040, Niterói, RJ, Brazil.
Associate Professor at Universidade Federal Fluminense. PhD in Ethnobotany from the National Museum / Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Master in Botany from the National Museum / Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Graduated in Biological Sciences at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Post-doctorate in Evolution and adaptation of dietary practices by Università degli Scienze Gastranomiche (Italy) and Federal University of São João Del Rei (UFSJ). Coordinator of PANC-UFF Projects. He has experience in the field of Botany, with an emphasis on Ethnobotany, Economic Botany and Taxonomy, acting mainly on the following themes: food plants, medicinal plants, rural communities, traditional knowledge, food practices, immigration, ritual plants, PANC and intellectual property. (Text informed by the author)
The present work targeted the ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants for introduction to agroecological crops in 9 rural communities in the southern end of the state of Bahia, Brazil, as an economic and therapeutic alternative for the local populations. Prior agreement from the communities was requested and the research was submitted to the ethics committee; the registration of access to genetic heritage and associated traditional knowledge was performed. The following methodologies were used: participant observation, “snowballâ€, “walking in the woodsâ€; semi-structured questionnaires and calculation of the Main Uses Concordance index (CUPc). The species were evaluated according to their origin and degree of threat. 233 species, distributed in 73 families, were cited, with emphasis on Asteraceae (27spp.), Fabaceae (18 spp.) and Lamiaceae (16 spp.). Among these, 48% are native, 52% are naturalized and/or exotic and one vulnerable species was found (Euterpe edulis Mart.) and one endangered (Cariniana legalis (Mart.) Kuntze). The CUPc revealed 25 spp. with a value equal to or greater than 50% in at least one community. These results are expected to contribute to the selection of medicinal plants that serve as an economic and therapeutic alternative for vulnerable communities, as well as in stimulating the preservation of sociobiodiversity.
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Marcelo Neto Galvão
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), Pharmaceuticals Technology Institute - Farmanguinhos, Center for Biodiversity and Health Innovation, Agroecological Phytomedicine Platform (CIBS / PAF), Av. Comandante Guaranys, 447, Jacarepaguá, CEP 22775-903, Rio de Janeiro , RJ, Brazil.
Glauco de Kruse Villas Bôas
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz), Pharmaceuticals Technology Institute - Farmanguinhos, Biodiversity and Health Innovation Center (CIBS), Av. Comandante Guaranys, 447, Jacarepaguá, CEP 22775-903, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.
Marilza Machado
Public Ministry of the State of Bahia, Rua Sagrada Família, 154, Bela Vista, CEP 45990-903, Teixeira de Freitas, BA, Brazil.
Marcus Felipe Oliveira da Silva
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz), Pharmaceutical Technology Institute - Farmanguinhos, Center for Innovation in Biodiversity and Health (CIBS), Av. Comandante Guaranys, 447, Jacarepaguá, CEP, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.
Odara Horta Boscolo
Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), Center for General Studies, Institute of Biology, Valonguinho campus, Centro, CEP 20940-040, Niterói, RJ, Brazil.